No longer ready to accept what your elected officials are dishing out?

The best way to change things is to take up the torch and engage.

How to Get Involved:

  1. Vote: Exercise your right to vote in local and national elections to ensure that Republican principles are represented in governance.
  2. Join Local Initiatives: Participate in local community initiatives and organizations that align with your values.
  3. Advocate for Limited Government: Engage in discussions and advocate for policies that uphold the principles of limited government and individual liberties.
  4. Support Local Businesses: Contribute to the strength of your community by supporting and participating in local businesses and initiatives.
  5. Encourage Civic Education: Emphasize the importance of civic education to instill Republican values and principles in the hearts and minds of future generations.
  6. Serve on a Board or Commission: Nearly every community has openings on local boards and commissions. Talk to your city councilor or county commissioner. Visit their websites and look for boards and commissions. Find one that fits your skill sets and apply.
  7. Run for office: If you don’t like what is happening, you can be the change orĀ  help someone who is running.

Engaging in civic affairs is a powerful means of influencing the status quo in alignment with principles of individual liberty, limited government, and free-market values. By actively participating you can contribute to the strengthening of communities, and the shaping of policies that reflect the ideals of a free and prosperous society.